domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Bienvenido a IKFF--International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation to Kettlebells México...

The IKFF is an organization whose goals are two-fold: to promote Kettlebell training and complete mind/body fitness on a global scale, and to support our members in developing the all-encompassing skills needed to accelerate their own fitness and fitness-oriented businesses. The vision in creating this is to offer passionate fitness enthusiasts a no-nonsense, ever-evolving resource they can trust is on the cutting edge of athletic training and conditioning!

Join the industry Gold Standard for Kettlebell, Fitness, Health and Wellness

Como se daran cuenta, en Kettlebells México nos esforzamos por tener productos de calidad MUY BIEN HECHOS EN MEXICO y seguiremos mejorando, les dejo mis saludos Aldo y Sandro, estamos en contacto